Wisdom from Instagram: Do it yourself, for yourself

Giving a lazy scroll to my Instagram feed on Sunday, 3 of my favorite accounts aligned with such wisdom, fearlessness, and agency, I had to share them with you.

This is a master course in doing it your damn self, investing in your self-sufficiency and survival, and trusting your creativity.


Read on to learn how Kati made her own glasses;

Carol turned her "fuck you money" into a "fuck you home";

Deb dresses to explore ideas about art and the body, not for feedback.


The most fearless, creative, and inspiring women I know are grown ups over 40. 

May we know them, may we raise them, may we be them.




I think we will have to look forward to a DIY tutorial: Hack Your Readers. Stay tuned…







The Prodigal Daughter………. In 1984, I bought a tiny studio apartment on 13th Street in Greenwich Village. I saved for 6 years to make the 20% down payment. Not easy for a Jr. Art Director. Regardless, I was very proud of myself…to buy my home, to support myself, to move across the river. My New York life spiked immediately, new boyfriend, new job, move in with boyfriend, get new job. Get engaged, get married, 35 years later… leave job, get divorced, move out of boyfriend/husband’s apartment, move back into the little studio on 13th St. Yes, I held on to it, rented it out, probably the smartest thing that I ever did. So here I am, back where I started out. Full circle. My safety net, my launch pad, my past, present and future… all here.. It feels wonderful to be home. ( the mortgage is paid up) #homesweethome #greenwichvillage #thevillage #homedecor #artdirector #newyorkdailynews #scholastic #thenewyorktimes #influencer #styleatanyage #fashionover50 #diycoffeetable #svaalumni #movetonewyork #tiffanylamps #jerseygirl #mystyle #fashioninterior #womenwithstyle #adulting #gratitude #strongwomen #lucky # #nevergiveup #sisterhood

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In 1984, I bought a tiny studio apartment on 13th Street in Greenwich Village. I saved for 6 years to make the 20% down payment. … here I am, back where I started out. Full circle. My safety net, my launch pad, my past, present and future… all here.. It feels wonderful to be home.







I dress for myself as a meditation first and then a creative statement. I can’t say it is fashion or trendy but thats not what I am about. I have always been an artist/sculptor and my body is part of the form.Growing up I was never told don’t do this, don’t wear that. I don’t dress to turn heads or get attention. I do want to make a statement about the body and clothing. It is one of my means of expression. It is from an inner source even though it is an outer expression. It is my CREATIVITY. I do get looked at, sometimes stared at. People often have a smile on their faces and wish to start a conversation. Ari says the “3C’s” Creativity/Communication/Community…that is what will keep us vital and human. So people look up from their IPhones and actually make eye contact and we have an exchange and oftentimes become friends. Some people want to blend in and not be noticed. It might make them feel vulnerable to dress creatively. It’s very personal. Some people think it’s purposeless; it’s showing off and egotistical. Many people would rather be anonymous for whatever reason – insecurity, shyness, not wanting to call attention to themselves. Some people are threatened feeling “why do we need to showoff”. I am not bothered by these thoughts or comments. I realize that some people are more reserved, conservative and stuck in an old paradigm of what “OLD” should look like. I have always lived in NYC, been an artist and been free in my thinking so this is who I am.I don’t mind if I get laughed at or ridiculed.If someone responds to me negatively or positively, I still feel empowered and complete. Dressing “normally” doesn’t feel comfortable to me. I feel like I am inhibiting my creativity; stifling my energy. I can dress simpler but not in jeans, T-shirt and hoody!! I need color, texture and layers. I have used recycled/re purposed materials since the 60’s. I believe there is so much “stuff” in our immediate environment that we can appropriate and use once we begin to look and see. It is for the fun, enjoyment and protection of the planet. Where there is creativity there are no rules. Where there are no rules there is no fear-@debrarapoport #advancedstyle #bekind

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Some people are threatened feeling “why do we need to showoff”. I am not bothered by these thoughts or comments. I realize that some people are more reserved, conservative and stuck in an old paradigm of what “OLD” should look like. … Where there is creativity there are no rules. Where there are no rules there is no fear.


What is your proudest, scrappiest DIY moment? Your biggest sola achievement? Your boldest moment of bravery?

Please tell us in the comments, below.

And please share this post with your girlfriends.


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