Dangerous Coats

Pockets are a mandatory detail here at Manuma.

My fashion foremother, Claire McCardell, insisted on pockets in her dresses because of the instant sense of ease and confidence a woman gets being able to rest her hands there. To say nothing of being unburdened by a handbag.

There has been much speculation as to why women’s clothes remained pocketless, while men have been able to enjoy this liberating functional detail for over a century… I have my theories.

You can love handbags and want pockets at the same time.

Needless to say, I have never yet met a woman who is content with the mostly-pocketless status quo. And I will state for the record: we can love the aesthetics and craftsmanship of a beautiful handbag at the same time we just want to throw 2 things in a pocket and go…

Sharon Owens is an Irish author, and this poem has circulated around the internet quite a bit in the past year – from what I can tell, it was something she posted to her Twitter feed but please share in the comments if you know of a print citation.

Free to download

I like having reminders of my Why around me, whether pinned to my physical wall, or pasted in my paper agenda, as well as saved somewhere digitally for future use – a new vision board, or to send to a friend.

So I quickly put together these graphics with Owens’ poem to share with you, for your space or your digital inspiration files. The pictures below are ready for your Pinterest account (you can use the button at the end of this post to select the one you prefer). Or feel free to download the high quality PDF of either one to print at your local copy shop – they can be resized up to 18″ x 24″.

Dangerous Coats Sharon Owens poem graphic for Pinterest
Dangerous Coats Sharon Owens poem graphic for Pinterest

Beautiful sedition

Lady Gaga once said, “I’m not here to make you comfortable. I’m here to create something beautiful.”

Let us know what kind of beautiful, uncomfortable sedition you’re fomenting in the comments below.

3 Replies to “Dangerous Coats”

  1. Brilliant. Another reason why women fear pockets: “They’ll make me look fat.” This is tragic. Pockets are so important when you’re in your power stance, with your hands in your hip pockets like a cowgirl. But culture says “don’t let anything fleshy or opinionated emerge from the sides of your body…especially around your waist and hips, your Venus of Willendorff parts, and god don’t have pockets in front of your chest. Your breasts will look enormous.” Don’t hide anything, don’t tuck anything, don’t hold anything too long….I really appreciate the sentiments of this website.

  2. Brilliant. Another reason why women fear pockets: “They’ll make me look fat.” This is tragic. Pockets are so important when you’re in your power stance, with your hands in your hip pockets like a cowgirl. But culture says “don’t let anything fleshy or opinionated emerge from the sides of your body…especially around your waist and hips, your Venus of Willendorff parts, and god don’t have pockets in front of your chest. Your breasts will look enormous.” Don’t hide anything, don’t tuck anything, don’t hold anything too long….I really appreciate the sentiments of this website.

    1. Pockets are power, Binnie, yes! Thank you so much for adding your thoughts here. I’m happy you’re digging it. xo

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